Thursday, December 31, 2009


2009 has been the year for learning:
- How to be married (and thoroughly enjoying the process)
- How to cook amazing food
- How to drive an automatic car (shut up, it took some getting used to compared to manual!)
- How to create something other than stuffed animals ;)

2009 has been the year for things breaking:
- Plates, glasses & mugs that we received as wedding/engagement gifts
- The solar hot water system
- The oven
- Chris's Rav 4
- My Hyundai Excel

2009 has been the year for things being great:
- Dinner parties & entertaining at our house
- Adding 2 puppies to our family
- Loving my besties EVEN MORE than I did a year ago
- Our trip to California
- Finding total joy in silly little things!!

2009 has been the year for things sucking:
- Being pitifully broke for almost the entire 2nd half of the year
- Our (in)ability to keep up with the housework (especially the dishes!)
- Losing my Grandad
- Leaving the best work environment ever (the Mounties Church office) after 3.5 years

2009 has been the year for dreaming:
- 1,000 ideas to improve our house
- How to spend all that money we'll be earning some day ;)
- Wanting more than anything to be a house wife while Chris earns the bucks
- Running a successful Etsy store

So far, this is what I know 2010 will bring:
- The Kitchen Renovation (starting this Saturday! Eeeek!)
- Big life decisions to be made
- Some kind of struggle
- Some really great things
- More broken stuff (possibly more expensive broken stuff, realistically)
- More lessons to be learnt
- More dreams to be had

Going into a new year does make me nervous, because you really don't know what's coming, what you'll be reflecting on at the end of it. Hopefully mostly good stuff. Hopefully minimal heartbreak. Either way, it's going to happen. So 2010, here we come. Treat us well, OK?

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