Thursday, November 8, 2007

Day at the Races... I Mean Office

"Don't tell me the Baptist Church is supporting a horse race!" - anonymous disgusted elderly woman
No, folks, Mounties Baptist would never support the ferocious sin of gambling, but that doesn't mean we don't love an excuse to dress up!! Melbourne Cup Day gave us that brilliant excuse! While most of us (especially me) had no idea of the names of any horses in the big race, let alone which one would be the best to put money on, a select few of us were very passionate about coming to work in something we normally wouldn't dare... hence the pouting receptionist in the extravagant white hat (AKA me!)

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Around the Corner... Of Love

<<< Bows & Butterflies!!!!

Well, Summer is but a month away and I can't quite believe how giddy I'm feeling about it!!

To me, this Summer means:

- Salty Weekend
- Slingshot camp (my last Uth Camp, at least for the time being...)
- BBQs
- Weekend evenings by the river
- Housesitting with my lady friends and a dog that shares the same name as my sister's boyfriend
- CHRISTMAS!!! (which means....)
- Christmas music (yep, the heart is pounding now. I'm a sucker for the excessive use of joy and bells in music)
- The Christmas week off work!!
Not to mention....
- My 22nd Birthday
- Lots of days off before taking on full time hours next year
- Sunshine & therefore... sun tan *drools*
- Balmy nights outside with my man
- Beaching it, often